Friday, February 6, 2015

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It is; Does Anybody Really Care?

The title is my riff on the music group Chicago's song: Time. I've  become increasingly interested in the temporal element within & without therapy. My Narrative mentor Ken Potter brought this up in his work starting about a year ago. I'm also attending to this as I am interested in the "Brief " aspects of therapy. I also notice how folks I talk with in my practice shift back & forth between past, present, & possible futures.

I notice this isn't solely owned by the field of psychotherapy as I talk with folks outside that context. I was further reminded of this as I've been reading the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451; the primary character Montag muses over his first brief encounter with his appreciative inquisitive neighbor Clarisse,
  "How long had they walked together? Three minutes? Five? Yet how large that time seemed now".

How have you noticed Time either inviting you back into problem conversations or pulling you forward towards preferred meanings?